Our Services

Juniata Analytics is a tech start-up working at the intersection of business, sustainability, and software to help organizations calculate, analyze, and share sustainability information across internal operations and supply chains. While we are developing our minimum viable software products, we are currently offering consulting services to help businesses collect or analyze sustainability data for internal purposes or external reporting needs. We have experience working on sustainability issues such as greenhouse gas emissions, water use, packaging, deforestation, food waste, fertilizer use, animal welfare, and many more.

Steps to Work with Us

  1. Contact us.

  2. Fill out our onboarding questionnaire. This allows us to better understand your organization, what you need, and where you are on your sustainability and data journey.

  3. We’ll set up a call for a free consultation. After the call we’ll provide a quote.

  4. Align on the details and get to work!



Contact Us

Feel free to contact us with any questions.
